When packing for your next camping trip be sure to double-check that you have these essential items. Aside from soap, trash bags, lighter fluid, and other miscellaneous items, you will have a rough time camping without our top 5 camping essentials. Read below to find out how to be prepared for your next adventure! 


Reliable Shelter 

When out camping in the wilderness you never know what to expect. For that reason alone, having reliable shelter is a must. Best case scenario you want to have a trailer or RV. When mother nature starts storming with harsh weather, having the structural support and safety of an RV will help you get through the night hopefully without a scratch. 



Having a knife while camping in the great outdoors is a must. An outdoor knife can be used to help build a fire, prepare food, cut cords and handle dozens of other tasks. Multi-purpose knives are an excellent option for regular campers but be sure not to cheap out and buy a knife that is excellent quality. Look for a knife specifically designed for camping and be sure to read user reviews before making your purchase. 


An Axe

Although a knife comes in handy for many tasks, it won’t help you in every situation. This is why we recommend having a good axe, it serves several purposes on a camping trip. An axe can be used to cut wood for a fire, which is essential when camping out in the woods. An axe can also be used to clear bushing while hiking, and the blunt side of the axe can easily be used as a hammer as well. Be sure to buy a top-quality axe and store it properly to avoid rusting.  


Heavy Duty Flashlight 

At night, a flashlight is crucial for when you are camping. However, you will need something a little better than just a small penlight. Be sure to pack a heavy-duty flashlight with an extra set of batteries to be prepared for any situation. For the best illumination for the longest duration look for LED flashlights. They have low battery consumption. 


Emergency Generator 

Although a camping trip is to help you disconnect from society and reconnect with your roots, there may come an instance when you need to use electricity. We do recommend that you take that time away from your smartphone and enjoy the wilderness, however, smartphones can come in handy from time to time. That is a generator that would benefit you on your next trip. It will help keep your phone and any other appliances charged. You can find one with USB ports making it easy and convenient to charge your things all in one spot. Some generators also have built-in radios, flashlights, solar panels, and other features to help you on your next camping trip. 


Be sure to head over to CampMart.ca when thinking of your next camping adventures! We have got you covered!